
  • Students can sign up for ½ hour appointment slots
  • Appointment book is located at the library desk
  • Walk-in times and closures are posted on a sign at the library desk
  • Cyber appointments are available via Google Docs

关于 The 写作中心

So many times students are too focused on the end goal of completion when it comes to writing a paper. They get hung-up with the grammar, mechanics, and formatting along the way. By the time they proofread and revise their work, they have forgotten that their paper is a conversation with their instructor and questions about their topic like “How can this problem be solved?” or “What do I believe is the best answer to this question?” have never really been answered.

The 写作中心 would like to take the guess-work out of writing for you, so your instructors can focus on what you are writing, not on how you write. The 写作中心 is located in the library, and half-hour appointments can be made by signing up at the library desk. Each year, students are hand-picked to staff the 写作中心 as peer advisors. These students are eager to help, are experienced in different writing formats and know what your instructors are looking for. The 写作中心 is open to students during both daytime and evening hours. Check the signs posted in the library for times and closures. Students can email the 写作中心 with questions as well as upload papers via Google Docs for 写作中心 staff to comment on. The Barclay 写作中心 can be found on Facebook and Twitter. The 写作中心 has been designed with Barclay faculty and students in mind, making it simple for students to get the help they want and easy for faculty to refer students and receive feedback. Come write with us! We can’t write it for you, but we can write it with you!

写作中心 Hours

Monday-Friday 1 – 5 pm

The library reserves the right to close for campus wide events and home games. If classes are canceled due to inclement weather (or holidays) the library will be closed as well.

写作中心 Director





Worden Memorial 图书馆
100 E. 樱桃
Haviland, KS 67059

